Pavement Management

Paved streets in any town, city, or county are among the many assets every resident, visitor, and business uses. A good pavement enhances public safety, promotes mobility, and enables economic activity. AMS helps agencies implement and update pavement management programs through inspection surveys and reporting. Our program is designed to help agencies stretch their pavement expenditures by:
Implementing, updating, and maintaining pavement management databases; and
We provide updated pavement condition data of the network and each street segment.
What is a Pavement Management System (PMS)?
Pavement Management is the systematic process used to oversee paved surfaces by measuring the condition and tracking the maintenance and rehabilitation of pavement sections. Effective pavement management strategies include condition assessment, life-cycle cost analysis, and budget projections to identify pavement segments needing maintenance or repair.
AMS works closely with clients to identify a pavement management solution.
Why is a Pavement Management System Important?
Paved surfaces are a vital asset to the community. This asset must be preserved and maintained. The pavement management program balances pavement maintenance and rehabilitation of existing surfaces. The most cost-effective way to correct any paved surface problem is to address issues when they first appear. That is why funds are targeted to paved areas or sections rated in fair or good condition for preventative maintenance. Without maintenance, these paved surfaces would quickly deteriorate and be more expensive.
Our Approach
Our approach is unique. We have been doing this for over 25 years, and we understand the advantages of traditional methodologies and current technologies. We partnered up with technology companies to help solve our challenges, and we were able to design systems to help achieve a better understanding of the data we were collecting. We use a hybrid approach of manual survey supplemented with innovation and technology. With our hybrid approach, we can gain better results and, most of all, better documentation. Our approach ensures that our surveyors are safe and that samples are not missed. We go beyond the network PCI and look into more detail of pavement surface defects. With our systems, we can not only track where track cracks and potholes, we can look at rutting, bumps and corrugations. These are very challenging to track with a straight edge in the field. Now, we can measure this with quantifying tools back at the office. Our systems can accurately track rutting, IRI (our system is NCAT certified), and imagery of the pavement. This helps us go back and review pavement areas after pavement calculations. We use precise Global Positioning Systems (GPS) coupled with Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), and Real Time Kinematics (RTK) to get milimeter to less than an inch of horizontal accuracy.
We work closely with our clients to identify a pavement management solution that best fits their needs. We have experience, implementing a system from scratch, transitioning from one system to the other, or just updating a system. We also work closely with closely with our clients in helping them create maintenance strategies and creating a pavement and financial strategy. We like to take an aset management approach when creating strategies.
After strategies and reporting, we like to create mapping solutions for our clients. We offer GIS solutions to interface with third-party API's where we can push and pull information to spatially display. This information can be very useful when integrating into day-to-day business operations or making high-level executive decsions. AMS is a proud partner of ESRI for providing application development, data conversion/migration, GIS Strategy and Planning, Needs and Requirements, and System Integrations. AMS is also a Federal Small Business Specialty.