Parking Lot Management
Parking lots are are among the many assets every resident, visitor and business uses. A good network enhances public safety and enables economic activity. AMS helps clients in the private and public sector implement and update pavement management programs through inspection surveys and reporting.
Our program is designed to help clients stretch their pavement expenditures by:
Documenting pavement defects using imagery and lidar (this will help with planning and addressing cracks that are minor before they develop into something that is costly);
Implementing, updating, and maintaining pavement management databases; and
We provide updated pavement condition data of the network and each street segment.
What is a Pavement Management System (PMS)?
Pavement Management is the systematic process used to oversee paved surfaces by measuring the condition and tracking the maintenance and rehabilitation of pavement sections. Effective pavement management strategies include condition assessment, life-cycle cost analysis, and budget projections to identify pavement segments needing maintenance or repair.
AMS works closely with clients to identify a pavement management solution.
Why is a Pavement Management System Important?
Paved surfaces are a vital asset to the community. This asset must be preserved and maintained. The pavement management program balances pavement maintenance and rehabilitation of existing surfaces. The most cost-effective way to correct any paved surface problem is to address issues when they first appear. That is why funds are targeted to paved areas or sections rated in fair or good condition for preventative maintenance. Without maintenance, these paved surfaces would quickly deteriorate and be more expensive.

Looking beyond what you can see
It can be very challenging to quantify rutting, depressions or areas of ponding with a straight edge and a wheel. AMS is using lidar technology to identify cracks, potholes, ponding, and other drainage issues using laser scanners. We quantify this information using GIS/CAD tools and import them into pavement management systems using inndustry pavement managemnet condition standards.