Bike Lane Management
Data collection on bike lanes and paved trails is very important as it provides safety and guidance to all who use these facilities. Well-maintained assets like these reduce safety issues and increase usage. Using the same principles we use with pavement management, we take our approach and apply them to these assets. However, our approach is more focused on localized issues versus a network-level solution. Addressing localized issues can be cost-effective, especially when segments are long and immediate actions are warranted. What makes us very unique, is we can capture a roughness index and a pavement condition index using specialized sensors. Our sensors are NCAT certified. With our geo-centric approach, we are able to geo locate issues that need to be addressed. This helps planners understand where and how they need to resolve the problem. With a network-level approach it is very challenging to pinpoint the location.
We are pioneering and revolutionizing how we look at these assets. We use industry standards and look at these issues objectively using state-of-the-art technology. Contact us today for more information.